Remote Worker-2

Adapting to a virtual workplace

Learn about Zones' end-to-end solutions for remote workers

This has been a challenging year for organizations everywhere. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders have had to rethink everything about the way they manage people and conduct business. Procedures and practices that used to be considered "normal" are now being overhauled on the fly. 


This presents numerous IT challenges. If you've been accustomed to managing an in-office team of employees for years, how can you shift gears and give people the technology they need to succeed when working remotely? It's not easy. 


At Zones, we have a resource that can help. Working alongside our OEM partners, we've come up with 9 foolproof strategies for effective remote work, along with the IT resources needed to support them.


By downloading and reading our eBook, you can learn about a range of topics, from communication and collaboration to networking and data management to security and authentication. 


Want to learn more about how to drive remote work success for your organization? Download our eBook today.


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9 solutions to adapt to a virtual workforce 2